• Duration
Mar 4 Edition

Mar 4 Edition

Join us for Remix Trivia, a free and fun evening of trivia held at Singlespeed! Join us at 6:30 PM for a fun and challenging evening of trivia hosted by mastermind Eric McIntyre – no musical expertise required! Gather your brainiest bunch of friends and fight it out for first place. The winning team will take home a variety of prizes, from Symphony tickets and swag to a round of drinks.

DMSO Remix Podcast 

Check out this month's DMSO Remix Podcast on SpotifyApple PodcastsAmazon MusicGoogle Podcasts, or anywhere you listen to podcasts for a tip on one or two questions! 


Round 1: Just Call Me An-Tony (Famous People Named Tony)
Round 2: Where's Joseph Haydn (Name the Famous World Location where Joseph is “Hiding”)
Round 3: Epic Stories (Famous Stories Told through Music)
Round 4: From the Podcast

Help us select our trivia categories when you engage with us on Facebook and Instagram!