Ticket PriceFree +
Duration1 hr
- Thursday, December 31, 2020 7:00PM — Online

A Virtual New Year's Eve Celebration
Each and every year, the Symphony’s New Year’s Eve Pops is the hottest ticket in town. This year, we’re going online with a star-studded fundraiser you can enjoy from the comfort of your own home – or anywhere in the world! Raise a virtual toast with hosts Kevin and Mollie Cooney and ring in 2021 with an evening of incredible performances and New Year’s Eve memories from guest artists across the world, including Leslie Odom Jr, Renee Elise Goldsberry, Brian Stokes Mitchell, Michael Cavanaugh, Christiane Noll, Steve Lippia, Spectrum, and more – along with our own Des Moines Symphony musicians. This special event will be presented at dmsymphony.org/newyears and our YouTube channel.
While this event is free to enjoy, we ask that you consider a contribution to the Des Moines Symphony. Your contributions to the Des Moines Symphony & Academy will help support our mission and future programming so we can keep making music together for years to come!
6:00 PM Pre-broadcast virtual Musician Meet & Greet
Event Supporters are invited to an intimate gathering on Zoom where they will have the opportunity to chat with Des Moines Symphony musicians.
6:45 PM Pre-broadcast countdown
7:00 PM Main Broadcast
The program can be viewed on dmsymphony.org/newyears and YouTube.